WWW94 -- Final Programme
Wednesday 25 May
Plenary Sessions
Main Amphitheater
09:30 Welcome - Prof. Walter Hoogland, CERN
09:45 Keynote Address
Effective rules in Cyberspace: what we may wish to do and what we can do
- Dr. David Chaum, DigiCash
10:30 Coffee
10:45 The State of the Web - Joseph Hardin, NCSA
11:45 The Future of the Web - Tim Berners-Lee, CERN
12:45 Lunch
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Main Amphitheater Council room
chairman: R.Rodgers chairman: P.E.Dybvik
14:15 A Review of the HTML+ 14:15 Active Articles in 14:15 WWW in Chemistry
Document Format Interactive Journals room: 4S-013
-Dave Raggett -Steffen Meschkat -Henry Rzepa
HP Laboratories,Bristol,UK ART+COM, Berlin, DE
14:15 The role of SGML
14:40 Directory Services and WWW 14:40 A Common Lisp Hypermedia within WWW
integration using SOLO Server (BOF)room: 104R-A10
-Jean-Christophe Touvet -John C. Mallery -Bert Bos
Paul-Andre Pays Artificial Intelligence Lab,
INRIA, Rocquencourt, FR MIT, US
15:05 The Microcosm Link Service 15:05 The Design and Implementation
and its Application to the of a Media on Demand System
World Wide Web for WWW
-Wendy Hall -Anders Klemets
Leslie Carr The Royal Institute of Technology,
Hugh Davis SE
Rupert Hollom
University of Southampton, UK
15:30 Dynamic Rewriting of HTML 15:30 Active Pages: Intelligent
documents Nodes on the World Wide Web
-Shin-ya Sato -Henry Houh
NTT Communication Switching Labs Chris Lindblad
Tokyo, JP David Wetherall
MIT Laboratory,US
16:00 Coffee
Main Amphitheater Council room
chairman: S. Bortzmeyer chairman: M. Sandfaer
16:15 World-Wide Web Proxies 16:15 WEBVIZ: A Tool for World Wide 16:15 Document formats
Web Access Log Visualization (BOF)room: 304 A
-Ari Luotonen -James E. Pitkow -Dave Raggett
Kevin Altis Krishna Bharat
CERN, CH Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, US
16:40 A Scalable Web Server 16:40 Use of WWW in a Documentary
Network: first steps towards
a Virtual Library
-Eric Katz -Elizabeth Cherhal
NCSA, US CICG, Grenoble, FR
Serge Rouveyrol
Midiathhque IMAG, Grenoble, FR
17:05 Using the Web to Provide 17:05 Results From the First World
Private Information -or- Wide Web User Survey
Password Protection Without
Modifying Clients
-Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson -James E. Pitkow
School of Computer Science Mimi Recker
Carleton University, CA Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, US
17:30 A Caching Relay for the 17:30 Discussion
World Wide Web
-Steve Glassman
18:00 end of sessions
Thursday 26 May
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Main Amphitheater Council room
chairman: M. Goossens chairman: M. Bogen
09:00 GENVL and WWWW: Tools 09:00 The use of WWW in Biological 09:00 Compositional graphics
for Taming the Web research and virtual reality
-Oliver A. McBryan -R.Doelz (BOF) room: 104R-B09
University of Colorado Biocomputing Basel, CH -Dave Raggett &
Boulder, CO, US T.Etzold Tim Berners-Lee
EMBL Heidelberg, DE
09:25 Aliweb 09:25 World-Wide algorithm animation
-Martijn Koster -Bertrand Ibrahim
NEXOR Ltd., UK University of Geneva, CH
09:50 What can Archives offer 09:50 Teaching Hypertext Techniques
the World Wide Web with Mosaic/WWW
-Neil Smith -Pieter A. van Brakel 10:00 Development Priorities
Unix Hensa,The University of Rand Afrikaans University, ZA room: 104R-A10
Kent at Canterbury, UK -Robert Cailliau
10:15 The RBSE Spider - Balancing 10:15 Virtual Classroom: A Case Study
Effective Search Against
Web Load
-David Eichmann -Dimitri Dimitroyannis
RICIS, University of Houston, National Dutch Institute of
Clear Lake, US Nuclear and HEP,NL
10:45 Coffee
chairman: P. van Brakel chairman: K. Hughes
11:00 Lost in Hyperspace? 11:00 The Virtual Reconstruction
Free Text Searches of the US Holocaust Memorial
in the Web Museum
-Christian Neuss -David Levine
Stefanie Höfling US Holocaust Memorial Museum, US
Fraunhofer Institute for
Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, DE
11:25 Towards Better Integration of 11:25 WWW for the Globewide
Dynamic Search Technology and Network Academy
the World-Wide Web
-Doug McKee -Marcus Speh
Navisoft, US Carter Butts
Colman Reilly
Joseph C. Wang
GlobeWide Network Academy
Inc. 2612 Guadalupe,
Texas 78705
11:50 Information Retrieval in the 11:50 Interactive Education:
World Wide Web: Making Client Transitioning CD ROMs to
based searching feasible the Web
-P.M.E. De Bra -Michael Mascha
R.D.J. Post Gary Seaman
Eindhoven University of University of Southern California
Technology, NL LA, US
12:15 Maintaining Distributed Hyper- 12:15 Interactive Information Services
text Infostructures: Welcome Using World-Wide Web Hypertext
to MOMspider's Web
-Roy T. Fielding -Steve Putz
University of California Xerox Palo Alto RC,US
Irvine, US
12:45 Lunch
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Main Amphitheater
chairman: R. Cailliau
14:15 What is WWW | 14:15 Electronic publishing
and Where is it used now | room: 104R-A10
-Robert Cailliau | -Steven Pemberton
CERN, CH | 14:15 Navigation issues
| room: B 61
15:00 Questions/Answers | -Bipin C Desai
| 14:15 Offering the same information via
15:30 Digital's World-Wide Web | multiple services
Server: A Case Study | room: 104R-B09
-Russ Jones | -Enrique Canessa & Andrea Balestra
Digital EC, Palo Alto, US | 14:15 Specialized servers
------------------------------- | room: Council room
16:00 Coffee | -Henry Houh & David Tennenhouse
------------------------------- | 14:15 Teaching and learning with the web
16:15 Online Images from the History | room: 304 A
of Medicine (OLI): Creating | N.B. continuing on Friday 27th at
a Large Searchable Image | 09:00
Database for Distribution | -Daniel Schneider &
via World-Wide Web | Marcus Speh &
-R.P.C. Rodgers | Kenneth Hensarling
S. Srinivasan |
Lister Hill National Center |
for Biomedical Communications, |
National Library of Medicine, |
16:40 A Home on the Web |
-Borre Ludvigsen |
Ostfold Regional College, NO |
17:05 Changing your Business |
Culture with Mosaic |
-Ray Anderson |
17:30 NURSE: A Case Study. Just |
How Useful is a Subject |
Service |
-Denis Anthony |
University of Warwick |
Coventry, UK |
18:00 Discussion panel |
18:30 End of sessions |
19:15 Embarkation for the Conference dinner on lake boat
19:30 Announcement of WWW94 Awards
20:00 Dinner
Friday 27 May
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Main Amphitheater Council room
chairman: J.Y. Le Meur chairman: D. Kroemker
09:00 Converting formatted Documents 09:00 A Multilingual Lexicon 09:00 Teaching and learning
to HTML on the Web with the web
-Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner -Andres Bartroli room: 304 A
Norwegian Telecom Research, NO Claudia Mozzafari
Axone, CH 09:00 HTML+
Jean-Francois Groff room: 104R-B09
Info Design, Geneva, CH -Dave Raggett & Phillip Hallam-Baker
09:00 WWW in Biology
09:25 Writing Documents for Paper and 09:25 Integrating Structured room: 4 S-013
WWW Databases Into the Web: -Peter Murray-Rust &
The MORE System Reinhard Doelz &
-B. Rousseau -David Eichmann Bradley K. Sherman
M.Ruggier INET, Inc., US
CERN, CH Terry McGregor
Dann Danley
INET, Inc., US
09:50 From Text to Hypertext: A 09:50 Zelig: Schema-Based
Post-Hoc Rationalisation of Generation of Soft WWW
LaTeX2HTML Database Applications
-Nikos Drakos -Carlos A. Varela
Computer Based Learning Unit, Caroline C. Hayes
University of Leeds, UK Dept. of Computer Science,
10:15 Discussion 10:15 Discussion
10:45 Coffee
Main Amphitheater Council room
chairman: J. Hardin chairman: R. Brandwein
11:00 A Tangled Web of Deceit 11:00 WWW'94 Demonstration
submission: The Ping Project
-Andy Whitcroft -Antya Umstaetter
Tim Wilkinson Hochschule der Künste,
City University, London, UK Berlin, DE
11:25 The Phoenix Project at the 11:25 Cyberspace
University of Chicago:
Developing a Secure, Distri-
buted Hypermedia Authoring
Environment Built on the WWW
-John Kruper -Mark D. Pesce
M. Lavenant Labyrinth Group,
Biological Sciences San Francisco, US
University of Chicago, US
11:50 Multilingual Information Ex- 11:50 Untangling the Web
change through the
World-Wide Web
-Toshihiro Takada -Jean-Francois Groff
NTT Basic Research Labs and Jacques Descombes
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Info Design, Geneva, CH
Corp., JP
12:15 Experiences With A WYSIWYG 12:15 Controlled by the Web!
Editor for HTML
-Nick Williams -Alan Slater
Tim Wilkinson Heriot-Watt University,
City University, London, UK Edinburgh, UK
12:45 Lunch
Plenary Sessions
14:00 Plenary Panel : List the 10 most important future directions for WWW
15:00 end of conference
SFV and
May 11, 1994